Saturday, 30 November 2019


I cover more on potential speed gain later. The only purpose for training them as it is right now is to impress people. It is hard to determine what other factors contribute to loss. The only thing that matters is that your setup is comfortable. The farther off course you go in one strafe, means the longer your next one has to be to get you back on course. I am also in the top 5 for no bind and no -forward bind Longjump, no bind and bind single Bunnyhop, bind and no bind backwards longjump, and am a part of the top 10 for nearly all jumpstats categories. Therefore, anybody who practices lots of longjumps and countjumps, will naturally be able to get a good weirdjump. hns jumpstats

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A wide strafe has the potential to gain more speed than a strafe that is narrow. Furthermore, the wider you strafe, the more time you will spend away from the ideal flight path. There are different jumpstat in which these two methods of strafing work better, jumpstatw I first must discuss potential speed and actual speed, and how gaining speed actually works as far as we as players can understand it. You can do more than units with a longjump on just three strafes, and more than units with just 4.

The reason I feel this way is due to the concept of dead airtime, where you are neither gaining nor losing speed. A lot of players in KZ come in and try to emulate what the best players are doing right away jumpstatz they are unprepared to do these things.

hns jumpstats

However, when you are gaining a lot jympstats speed and strafing away from the ideal flight path, you are travelling farther off course. This means things outside of the game are going to impact how you do in the game.

Jumpstats for KZ

I estimate that I have spent a total of over hours practicing jumpstats in this game. Nobody is ever going to gain the absolute maximum they could have because nobody is ever going to have a jump without flaws. Jumpsatts player travelling at a higher speed in the same duration of additional airtime will go farther than a slower moving counterpart so long as their flight path is a constant.

The question is, does it matter? Focusing on this is only important to make sure you cross the gap in an ideal jjumpstats. However, many players have told me that they never learned when the proper time to let go of the W key was. When I first started playing KZ, there were no longjumpers who took it seriously. It it possible to strafe too wide or too fast with the mouse and increase how far away you go from the ideal flight path without actually gaining additional speed, however.

hns jumpstats

To reiterate, dead airtime is time in the air where you are not changing your speed in any way. At least for the time being, I am done with actively trying to improve my records. You will only make yourself worse by practicing in a way that can lead to the development of incorrect muscle memory. I think it is generally bad because strafing requires an even movement speed of the mouse and an even travelling distance of the mouse back and forth several times in under one second.

You cannot set out to build a house by laying the bricks for the top floor first.

Jumpstats for KZ [Counter-Strike ] [Mods]

The reason is that the airtime on each strafe will without a doubt end up being too high, and you will spend too much time strafing away from a straight line of flight. You do not need to have the best mouse, or keyboard, or have a hz refresh rate monitor, or anything of the sorts to become the very best.

As an example, if a player is strafing towards the left, as they approach the full extension of their strafe, they can continue to move left with their forearm while starting to move towards the right by pivoting at the wrist.

First things first, what are good airtimes? Actual speed is the amount of speed you actually got based on how you perform. Before practicing strafing at alla player should be able to reach at least prespeed on longjumps consistently.

Earlier I talked about this in the case of overlapping key presses, but there is another area in which dead airtime can exist. The earlier in the jump the loss is, the more damaging it is. For the last one, try to have mouse movement throughout the entirety of the jumsptats and see how far you get. As the mouse hand transitions from strafing in one direction to strafing in the other, there is a very small period when there is no actual movement occurring.

Advanced Strafing Guide

However, learning to manually release W correctly benefits the timings and airtimes of the first and second strafe, and helps players complete the release of W and every subsequent strafe as an individual action, rather than blending them together.

Try to gain as jmupstats as you can in relation to your airtime on a strafe, not as much as you can overall. Mousewheel can not be used with the bind for this reason.

As a general rule, gain should always be higher than airtime except on the last strafe. The last strafe is a commonly misunderstood strafe.

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