Friday, 22 November 2019


I LOVE me some military men. Nov 28, Dolorianne rated it it was amazing Shelves: I read this book as two separate stories from the old publishers so I'm adding my thoughts on the second rest of the story. I was also a bit saddened by the ending. So what do you get when you put together TWO uber-hawt military men??? Preview — Battle Buddy by S. A lot of personality. battle buddy sjd peterson

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My only real beef with this is that it was too short. Rough Rangers Pfterson 1 Members. I'm not much of a writer, more a reader so this will be brief to show my love of this aurthor.

Tag: Rough Rangers series

Please verify that you are not a robot. You may have read Tuck's diary entries, but they don't tell the whole story. As Shane went through basic training and eventually becoming an Army Ranger he fought his attraction to Owen. This is an expanded version of the previously released Battle Buddy with Owen's perspective added, and his humor is an amusing counterpoint to Tuck's teeth grinding. Shane comes from a small town and he has never had a reason to come out.

Amazon Kindle 0 editions. It's both brutal and exhilarating.

Review: Battle Buddy by SJD Peterson - Under the Covers Book Blog

In a byddy, this is an extension of point 1 since Tuck's POV is so dynamic. Published March 17th by Silver Publishing first published March 1st Mar 14, Kathy rated it really liked it. The E-mail Address es field is required.

I'll just add that I hate the following words and phrases: Advanced Search Find a Library. With Shane, we can feel his lust, want and need for Owen. Supposed to be the third novella reported to be released early last I heard.

battle buddy sjd peterson

Not knowing what to expect, I opted for the stand alone title which also happened to be a theme I like very much — military. Document, Fiction, Internet resource Document Type: I loved both characters. Now they do since they have retired.

Tuck & Cover

Tuck finds his hormones going off the radar when around Owen, and has a tough time keeping that attraction internalized, especially when his body has other ideas about displaying his budfy.

But, we also feel his confusion and fear as he struggles to understand why Owen is acting like he is. Project Gutenberg 0 editions.

battle buddy sjd peterson

Your list has reached the maximum number of items. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. S J D Peterson. Would you also like to submit a review for this item?

However, 4 stars for Military accuracy. Confirm this request You may have already requested this item. This site uses cookies.

battle buddy sjd peterson

I have to say that S. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Apr 26, Pixie Mmgoodbookreviews rated it really liked it. Tuck finds his hormones going off the radar when around Owen, and has a tough time keeping that attraction internalized, especially when his body has other ideas about displaying his attraction.

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